Friends International
Another group we intend to support at SAMBA 2015 is Friends International, a group that helps at-risk youth across Indochina and is now spreading into the rest of South East Asia. They have a very strict focus on how best to help young people, such as keeping them at home, not in orphanages: and when they’re older, train them for jobs they can get – like in their amazing training restaurants in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Vientiane and Luang Prabang. Spend money this May 7th and support this great cause!
Photos from job placement training held last Friday at Kaliyan Mith Siem Reap. The training was run by Sokheng, the TSEE (Training Support Employment and Entrepreneurship) Youth Coordinator.
There are some exciting changes happening this year in this team which should allow them to support even more youth and caretakers into employment. Stay tuned!